The vast beauty of the Hawaiian Islands,
where life-giving water of the sea bubbles up

The Island of Hawaii is also known as the 'Big Island.'
As this name suggests, it is the largest of the Hawaiian Islands. The majestic na-ture driven by the power of mother earth, the fragrant flowers that bloom all year round, and the sea that shines a deep Kona Blue are loved by many throughout the whole world.
And now, there is another reason to adore this jewel of an island.
The water off the Kona coast of the Big Island is home to a spring source of deep sea water that has gone on a 2000 year journey through the depths of the oceans, flowing from the waters of Greenland to the shores of Hawaii.
Hawaii --- a place that charms and captivates all who visit with its overpowering natural energy.
This paradise, blessed with the bounties of nature, is the birthplace of MaHaLo Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water.
The Big Island of HAWAII
Overwhelmingly beautiful nature
that charms all who visit

The Hawaiian Islands were created from deep sea volcanic eruptions. Six thousand me-ters below the Big Island, the youngest of the island chain, hot magma still simmers thickly, and hot lava spurts from the mouths of volcanoes. Seeing bubbling, oozing lava up close here on the Big Island as can be seen nowhere else allows us to imagine for a moment the fundamental forces of the earth.
Everyone who visits is inspired by the overwhelming power of nature and its mysteries.
Tropical flora that holds
the memory of an ancient past

Hawaii - where it is always summer - is a paradise for flora. It is said that the majority of tropical plants throughout the world are gathered together on the Big Island. The vivid colors and bewitching fragrances of these plants, which have developed spontaneously and without constraint in the warm climate, delight the senses. Perhaps, within the many rich colors and scents of these flowers, one can find a plant that harks back to a beauti-ful, ancient time in Hawaii's past.
The Kona Sea, where richly dense
deep sea water bubbles up

A range of black lava, a deep blue sea. Think of the island of Hawaii, and black and blue are the colors that come immediately to mind. Although the
waters are very clear, the fact that the island range was carved out so quickly
and so deeply means that the color of the sea is a deep, rich blue. So deep and so blue that one can sense the wondrous maj-esty of nature,
drawing us into its secrets.
The Big Island once flourished as a retreat for the Kings and Queens of the
Hawaiian Is-lands, so chosen for the 'waters of life' that sprung up from the
ground. And still now, another 'water of life' flows into the island. The deep sea water that arises off the Kona coast from the depths of the sea, thousands of meters below. Clean and fresh ocean wa-ter that contains rich nutrients that nourish life.


Reborn after 2000 years
What is deep sea water?

Deep sea water has 5 unique characteristics.
It is pure, and unaffected by environmental pollution, and further it contains many nutrients that are essential for the nourishment of ocean life. As such, it can be considered ideal for drinking water.
There are many varieties of deep sea water: the term denotes, in the most basic sense, ocean water from a depth of below 200 meters, but other types exist, such as the upwelling of deep ocean currents circulating on a small scale.
But it is said that the only type of deep sea water that truly deserves such an ap-pellation is that water which wells up from the general circulation of the ocean, which takes the waters of the ocean on an epic journey that takes about 2000 years to complete.

Deep Sea Water

Pure ocean water
drawn down into the depths
of the sea from long ago

The significance of ocean water
predating the industrial revolution.

According to the results of a survey on ocean water carried out in America in the 1970s on the world's oceans, the elements contained in the deep sea water that springs up off the coast of Kona, Hawaii was confirmed to be around 2000 years old.
In other words, this deep sea water has not been affected by the environmental pollution that has sadly occurred since the beginning of the industrial revolution. This is a guaran-tee of the purity of the water.
Deep sea currents maintain a water cycle independent of surface and sewage water. They flow at the extremely slow speed of 10cm per second, and the water flowing through these currents embarks on journeys that take as long as 2000 years.

How do we know how old the ocean water is? 

To determine the age of deep sea water, an analysis of the carbon
isotopes (14C) contained in the ocean water is carried out. According to the results of the Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GOSECS) carried out in the 1970s, the youngest deep sea water in the oceans of the world is found in the North Atlantic Ocean. The oldest water is found in the North Pacific Ocean, the final point of the global conveyor belt, which was determined to be around 2000 years old.

Ancient water from the ocean of life


Compared to surface water, deep sea water travels in currents in the depths of the ocean, without coming into contact with any light. It has not been affected by environmental pollution and is almost completely free of contaminants. Further, the deeper the water, the richer the concentration of nutrients, and water that has traveled through the depths of the ocean for up to 2,000 years is full of minerals and trace elements.


Compared to surface water, deep sea water travels in currents in the depths of the ocean, without coming into contact with any light. It has not been affected by environmental pollution and is almost completely free of contaminants. Further, the deeper the water, the
richer the concentration of nutrients, and water that has traveled through the depths of the ocean for up to 2,000 years is full of minerals and trace elements.



The MaHaLo processing plant
Continuing to grow in success

In the summer of 2003, operations were started in a small processing plant in a region of lava fields in Kona, Hawaii. The motivation that created this plant was to provide the consumer with the healthiest and best deep sea water in the world.
Three years from that initial motivation, our third facility has been built, and our operations have expanded to a large scale.

Delivering the best quality
deep sea water to the customer

The MaHaLo plant has a laid-back feel that's just right for the Island of Hawaii, and is located within the massive grounds of the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA).
Deep sea water is obtained from a depth of around 1000m via a pipe that runs directly to the plant. This is then turned into drinking water de-salinated through reverse osmosis, making sure to obtain the same bal-ance of minerals contained in the ocean waters.
Since its launch in 2003, MaHaLo has gained great popularity as 'high-quality and delicious deep sea water,' and two more plants have been opened in order to allow us to expand production and deliver our water to many more customers.
As a result of having both a quality product and our solid business ach-ievements, we have been given permission by the State Government of Hawaii to use the NELHA logo on our product.


Three of our managerial
staff explain their
passion for MaHaLo

Koyo USA is the biggest deep sea water plant in the world.
We asked some of the staff responsible for the smooth operation of
the plant how they felt about MaHaLo.

We work hard to guarantee top levels of quality
throughout each year, every year.

Water Quality Supervisor
Sean Maslanka
Here at Koyo, water quali-ty is our highest priority. It all starts from 3000 feet be-low the surface of the ocean. That is the depth at which we tap into an an-cient flow that originated in Greenland thousand of years ago. This deep sea wa-ter is unique being that it has absolutely no influence from pollution or contamin-ation, as is the case with sur-face waters. But, at Koyo, starting with the highest quality water is just the be-ginning. At the KOYO plant, this mineral rich deep sea water is then processed through our state-of-the-art Reverse Osmosis
system, and bottled fresh, resulting in the highest quality bot-tled water that is " purely the best water in the world"

We believe in MaHaLo !

Production Supervisor
Edo Wakumoto
On behalf of the Production team, we know that our water is the most prestigious and pristine water there is. We are so happy to be able to put on the label "Purely The Best Water In The World".
If someone were to ask me what's the one thing I can do to have a
better health, then the answer would be very simple: Start drinking

Making sure of systems so that MaHaLo is
delivered to everyone who wants it.

Plant Manager
Larry Visocky
I'm proud to have helped make Ma-HaLo Water the best water in the world for the last 6 years. My goal is to maintain our highest quality and world class plant for years to come.

The world's most delicious
deep sea water

A balance of minerals
Quick, thirst quenching absorption

The balance of minerals found in human blood is very similar to that of ocean water. Since MaHaLo Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water maintains the same mineral bal-ance as ocean water, it is easily absorbed into the blood and fluids of the human body. What is particularly unique about this water is its unusually high osmotic force, in other words, its ability to infiltrate into the body. The cells of your body will be quenched and enriched with MaHaLo Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water.

The world's most delicious
deep sea water

A balance of minerals
Quick, thirst quenching absorption

The balance of minerals found in human blood is very similar to that of ocean water. Since MaHaLo Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water maintains the same mineral bal-ance as ocean water, it is easily absorbed into the blood and fluids of the human body. What is particularly unique about this water is its unusually high osmotic force, in other words, its ability to infiltrate into the body. The cells of your body will be quenched and enriched with MaHaLo Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water.
Pure water
Untainted by environmental pollution

The deep sea water of the Island of Hawaii is extremely pure, having sunk to the depths of the ocean some 2000 years previously.
As such, this water is untainted by the effects of environmental pollution. Further, the waters around the source point off the coast of Kona have been designated to be of AA standard, the high-est possible water quality standard.

Mature Balance of Minerals
Depth of Flavor

MaHaLo Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water is mellower and much more flavorful than other waters. The secret to this richness in taste lies in its superior balance of min-erals. In addition, the level of maturation of the deep sea minerals contained in MaHaLo Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water is high, further enriching the flavor.
Maintaining the freshness of our
high-quality deep sea water.

Bottling at the source in our facility in Ha-waii guarantees the water remains fresh and pure.
We use an original bottle design that further ensures that we can maintain the de-licious taste
of newly sourced water. Mean-ing you can enjoy the crisp, clean taste whenever you like.




Just what is deep sea water Answering
frequently asked questions

How long does it take to feel
the benefits of deep sea water?
Deep sea water reflects the balance of minerals found in ocean water, and it is absorbed easily by the human body. This is likely the reason that we are often told that our water is not only delicious, but does not sit in the stomach, and quenches thirst quickly. However, it takes over a month to replace all of the water contained in the human body. For this reason, we recommend that customers drink our deep sea water regularly, as prolonged intake will heighten the effects felt.
How much should I drink a day
for the water to take effect?
The amount of water needed by a human body per day is around 2600ml. After subtracting the amount obtained from food and the water created from metabolism within the body, the recommended daily intake is around at least 1550ml. Falling below the recommended daily intake of water, we run the risk of reduced rates of metabolism, and as we age the amount of water contained in cells becomes reduced. As such, regular intake of water is recommended to keep the body feeling young and healthy.
For whom is deep sea water
particularly recommended?
The mineral balance of ocean water, the very origin of life, is very similar to the component composition of human biological fluid. Hawaii Deep Sea™ Water MaHaLo maintains this mineral balance, and as such is suitable for anyone, from babies to senior citizens.* Between 60-70% of our bodies consist of water. As such, the daily intake of high-quality water is essential for our physical health.

*Those persons who have been instructed by a doctor or other medical professional to restrict their level of water intake should not exceed those
recommended amounts.
How is Hawaiian deep sea water
different from that of other areas?
Most of the deep sea water obtained from other regions comes from comparatively shallow waters, and further has had a lesser period of maturation. Most have only been in circulation for tens of years. In contrast, the water found near Hawaii has sunk to a depth of over 3000 feet in the waters offshore from Greenland, and has subsequently spent from 1200 to 2000 years traveling through the deep seas of the world, as part of the global conveyor belt, and is of a much higher quality.